Sunday, October 15, 2006

Skippy and Swampy visit Ham Hill!

Skippy went for her first visit to Ham Hill on Saturday and what a walk it was! Swampy naturally showed her the ropes of exploration, and Squirrel made her feel at ease whilst walking on the lead. Skippy was a little sad as the walk ended and she was forced to get in the car wityh mum whilst the other three crammed into my Ford KA!!!! She wanted to be squeezed in too.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Beach Babe!

This is THE best dog in the world at West Bay beach near Bridport! She liked everything but the sea...maybe she thought it was a giant bath...

Oskar the Rexy!

I thought I ought to put another nice pic of Osk on here as it is a Rex rabbit blog?!?!? Or is it? Maybe half Afghan hound half rabbit! Here Osk is kissing Lily through his run wires!

Skippy is offically named!

Skippy is enjoying her new life in Yeovil Marsh and this new pic shows her enjoying a yummy icepole! She has also met the famous Luigi and this meeting was captured on digital camera!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A new addition to the family...

Introducing a new face to my blog site, she doesn't have a name yet but I think she looks a bit like a Weasel... fits quite well with Squirrel, Swampy and Forest!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My cat my cat my cat...

This is my boyfriend Niall's cat Luigi, also known as Weedge. This pic is from when we made her into a cat-shaped christmas tree! She was unharmed by this stunt and actually enjoyed clawing the wires! We do not recommend anyone try this at home Luigi is a trained stunt cat and was supervised by trained health and safety experts. Luigi is a pure black cat and enjoys killing pigeons. She killed her first at the tender age of six months and is suspected of recently leaving one outside my bedroom window.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Peckham and Cayugas

These pics show the birth of Thierry and how beautiful a duck Peckham has grown into! The second pic shows just how black a pure Cayuga chick's egg should be, its a gorgeous soot black with a glossy sheen. The 5 birds pictured above are called Peckham, Thierry, Pierre, Brachen, Mythos and Zorba!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Squirrel Nutkin...

This is Squirrel the lushious afghan hound from Staffordshire! Squirrel appears in the second picture of Swampy, right in the corner. Squirrel is also an incredibly gentle and kind dog and enjoys running free around Ham Hill. Unfortunately Squirrel gets easily confused and doesn't always come back so I get a bit scared letting her off when I am alone! Squirrel is 8 years old and likes to eat anything savoury.

A couple of Rexes!

I thought I had better add some more Rex rabbits to this Rex rabbit blog! These two rabbits are called Tiger Lily and Wilhelm. Lily is a standard Rex and Wilhelm is a mini Rex, they are both quite comical rabbits!

Peckham the world cup duckling

Peckham hatched just before the world cup began, so my boyfriend decided he wanted to give the little bird a name that fitted in with the sporting occasion. I thought that the little greyish-brown chick pecked alot, and so Peckham was decided. I do not know how to or wish to know how to sex baby birds so I just wait until they get a voice and then it's easy to tell the difference. Peckham turned out to be a little girl duckie and a beautiful one at that. She loves to down water until she can't keep it down and stare at me whenever I am around. I think she's always worried I'll pick her up and give her a stroke, she is right to be worried as I usually do!!


Here is another picture of my stunning dog Swampy. Swampy is now 9 years old and enjoys spicy food, running around free-range and meeting other animals. Swampy doesn't really enjoy going out in the car but she does enjoy surprise visits to Ham Hill. Swampy has been to Crufts Dog Show at the NEC in Birmingham and to numerous other Open, Championship and Exemption Dog Shows. Oskar is not particularly keen on Swampy but as I do not know what previous experience he has had with dogs I can only continue their introductions and reward him afterwards with lots of herbs! This image shows Swampy running free on Ham Hill!!